Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The People of Logan...

Hey there!
The second week of school has begun and the main thing that pops up in my head are the people here. I remember in high school, it was so exciting to see who all were in my classes and who had the same lunch period as I did. I STILL feel the same way going to classes in college. I look forward to seeing all the new and old faces in my classes and getting to know my professors. I used to think that professors in college would all be like Professor Snape from Harry potter, and act ruthless toward their students. But in reality, they're like Professor Dumbledore! They're all so passionate about teaching and are ultimately there to help guide you; they truly want you to pass! (TIP: Really get to know your professors and introduce yourself. It'll make your experience in their class 50x better!)
I really can't express the feeling I get while on campus. It's always so fun seeing friends that you haven't seen for a few months and catching up with them. It's so exciting to get your social life back into full gear having all your friends back in good ol' Cache Valley. It's okay to go and play with your friends from time to time! You don't always have to have your head buried in books. Take breaks and enjoy yourself, because this is COLLEGE! It's time to have the best times of your lives out here, so take full advantage of it! And I'm sure Professor Dumbledore would agree with me too...

Until next time,

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